Steve Kelly

Hi OKC!  I’m Steve Kelly, and I have an insane passion for radio and music!  My first radio gig was at a station in Corsicana, Texas.  And a few years later, I’m blessed to be working in OKC with Jeff Couch and MarthaSteele!
I am also a huge OKC Thunder fan, and can often be seen dressed up like a crazy fanatic for the games!  It’s time to bring the Thunder – OKC!
Oh yeah, I also love nachos, and am always open to suggestions on where to find the best ones!
Boomer Sooner!  Yes, I’m a graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a degree in accounting, which is what I do during the week, so that I can play radio on the weekend!
Hobbies include spending time with my wife and kiddos, playing percussion at my church and e-drums at home, and vacationing on a beach.  “Life is a Beach!”
Thanks for listening!
Steve Kelly
989 KISS FM!


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